I recently read an article in Business 2.0 - "Researchers at York University in Britain have identified bacteria living in the roots of poplar trees that produce an enzyme that zaps residue from RDX, a chemical compound used by the military and industry. The scientists are working on ways to genetically engineer the enzyme to boost the tree's ability to suck up toxic waste. So don't be surprised if you start seeing forests sprouting on old military bases.
Meanwhile, a team from the University of Georgia has transplanted a gene from bacteria that helps neutralize mercury contamination into a common flower. The result: a solar-powered bioremediation system that smells nice too"
I give below what I had written in my EBook on Health & Nutrition in 2004
Microbes are single-cell organisms, oldest form of life on earth, so tiny that billions live in our mouth. E.g.: – Bacteria, Yeast, Algae, etc. that help our in daily life – Ferments Bread, Curd, Iddly, Kombucha, etc…
Bacteria – Often dismissed as “germs” that cause illness, bacteria do many useful things, like make vitamins, break down some types of garbage, degradation of waste, maintain our atmosphere, etc. and now plays a major role in Cellulosic Biofuels
Friendly Bacteria in our body fights the disease causing germs and provides the first line of defense alongside our immune system. In addition human body is the home to a very large number of bacteria with large diversity
Over 400 different species or types, of bacteria make their homes in our mouth, skin, intestine, etc.In human body, it has been estimated that there are more microbes (about 1014, or 100,000,000,000,000 bacterial cells) than there are human cells in it (about 1013). (Are we human or a microbes carrying machine?)
Lactobacillus family of bacteria produces vital nutrients & amino acids (protein) such as arginine, cysteine, and glutami in our colon
Without microbes, we couldn’t eat or breathe. Without us, they’d be just fine
Thus we need to avoid unnecessary antibacterial household products. We need the bacteria that surround us, and it is possible that trying to kill them is causing harm. By introducing antibacterial products into the sewage we are ensuring that only the microbes that are resistant to these products survive. Research is underway to determine if we are selecting for resistant bacterial populations causing antibacterial agents, like antibiotics, to lose their effectiveness or disrupt the effectiveness of the wastewater treatment plants or nutrient cycling in the soil. Use antibacterial hand soaps only when dealing with ill and immuno-compromised individuals. Turning to Organic foods is also beneficial to us by protecting the organisms and microbes that help us...
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